Interactive content is another way to keep your audience engaged with authentic materials that will stand out from the rest, while collecting data directly from the user with each click. A good example of this is TikTok, which is growing 75% in usage rates each year. Trends going viral through the app during the pandemic were almost like discovering a new hobby. Whether you're watching, dancing, or doing other challenges in front of your phone camera, one TikTok trend probably caught your attention (and your customers') at some point over the past few months, thanks to its dynamic format.
Be sociable, don't stop! Since social media is growing a lot, a lot of Telegram Number Data opportunities are also emerging. Organic strategies are evergreen actions that give results and, if you want to give them a boost for new markets, for example, you can invest in paid campaigns. Most social channels currently work with this possibility. Additionally, there are new players in these channels, bringing influencer marketing to the stage. Digital influencers are very present on Instagram and TikTok and can be important tools for: generate brand awareness, launch products or services, enter new markets, and promote various marketing initiatives in specific segments. Influencers are closer to the public and have the power to reach crowds with good engagement rates.
ADVERTISEMENT If your brand is looking to advance any of the aforementioned topics, it will be interesting to track the people who are cited as references in your niche and invite them to collaborate with you. Have you ever played this? Just after the interactive content are the games. This non-traditional channel, well explored, can help you achieve good results in your marketing actions. According to the report, in 2021, $116 billion (USD) was spent on video games worldwide. If these people spend so much on games, why wouldn't they invest in your product or service? With games, you also have the ability to partner with the developer's brand or run ads for free versions.